The Pineal Room University
~Grounding - Being - Ascending - Enlightenment~
Environmental Justice, Ecosystem Services, Energy Systems Equity
The Link Between Human Health and Environmental Health
I am a product of chaos finding order, discipline, and balance in creativity, knowledge, and community service. The coronavirus pandemic lockdown gave me enough time to reevaluate my soul purpose and contribution to humanity. I have been healing from a stressful decade of academic studies pursuing three degrees. Healing my traumas were more painful than actual wounds and broken bones. I had to heal wounds I got when I was a child that were more painful than a physical wounds. When I was just seven years old I got a terrible stomach ache and infection from eating the 'lights' or offal (lungs) of livestock. My consciousness was extremely heightened to diseases of the body because I thought I would die. I spent three days in the hospital thinking about my life and methods of becoming very aware and conscious of every. I took nature teachings seriously since that time.
I entered academia with a very opened mind and a lot of questions. I want knowledge, wisdom, and greater understanding of myself, health, foods, environment, ecosystems, alopathic, and naturopatic healing to achieve balance in my life again. Ever since my hospitalization, I have embarked upon a lifestyle of lifelong learning and enlightenment through experimenting, experiencing, and expression of my divine light and truth. By the time I recevied my Ph.D., it was evident that humanity was crying out for justice, service, and equity.
Twenty-three years later I recieved my doctorate in plant and soil sciences focusing my research dissertation in urban forestry ecology from the University of Delaware. My research findings highlight an important link between the United States urban built- and natural-infrastructures and human health and well-being, amidst the negative and combined impacts of climate diasater shifts, urbanization, mushrooming smart cities, and socioeconomic inequities.
I want to help in the solutions therefore, it is important that I educate, edify, and empower residents in environmental justice, canopy equity, and energy systems equity to better understand their health connectedness to the environment health. Ultimately, this will awaken our cosmological and ecoloigcal consciouness and awareness of our reversible relationship and divine connection to the environmental spheres, ecosystem services, and energy systems, necessary for healing of the soul, spirit, and mind. My experience with and focused attention in plants have given me enlightenment of my divine connection to trees, the soil, rocks, stars, and the universal frequencies. My soul's condinued journey to enlightenment is condensed as 'The Pineal Room Infinite Healing Light', an organic light from a eatern Jamaican ghetto.

The Pineal Room
Infinite Healing Light
The Pineal Room Infinite Healing Light (TPRIHL) LLC is an 'immunity-unity community-centric' platform that emerged during the 2019 coronavirus pandemic to promote healthy 'environmental systems, ecosystem services, and energy systems for improved environmental and human health, and active environmental stewardship, ground-up.
The vision of the Pineal Room Infinite Healing Light is to be a pineal light shift in human consciousness and awareness in the way we think about, exploit, and engineer our environments, ecosystems, and energy systems for better environmental-, ecosystem-, and human health.
Our mission is to educate, edify, and empower humanity in green environmental stewardship, ecological-mindfulness, and energy system awareness for sustaianable multicultural immunity-unity community visioning.
TPRIHL objective is to help employees, customers, families, and the youth reshape their perception of environmental systems, ecosystem services, energy systems, enviromental immunity, eco-communities, and energy equity. The Pineal Room Infinite Healing Light goal is to built on organic diversity, unbiased equity, divine interconnectedness, and social justice.
Immunity-Unity Community Visioning Movement
Subscribe to our Cosmic Soul Tribe Nation
Greetings to my Cosmic Soul Tribe Nation and soul tribe families. I am the founder of TPRIHL, an ecological-cosmological system of healing and rebuilding sustainable multicultural immununity-unity communities, ground-up, locally and internationally. I am a young plant and soil scientist with emphasis in urban ecosystems, chemist with a focus in general chemistry and food processing technology, and a life-long student, educator and thought leader in environmental systems, ecosystems, and energy systems.
There are mounting evidence in the peer-reviewed scientific literature linking environmental health and human health and wellbeing to the environment biodiversity and ecosystems, ecosystem goods and services, and energy systems equity and availability. The coronavirus pandemic marked a global reset by the oligarchs for the new digital system of power, potency, and profit playbook.
We must be cognizant of the truth and facts that global geopolitical resets mimic cosmoloigcal events, cycles, and patterns, and man-made timelines of events are constructed. Everything is going through a reset, including human beings, and our soul consciousness/ spiritual awareness is being tested to chose between the ALL-Mighty Intelligence (AI) and artifical intelligence (Ai); at a stage where humans have not mastered what it means to be a healthy, loving, and co-creating human Being.
Through a simple system of Grounding, Being, Ascending, and Enlightenment we can tap into our identity, interconnectedness, inner light, and illumination. This is my system of healing, learning, and enlightenment. I want to share this organic journey with you for your long awaiting ShiFT into divine vibration, infinite energy, and holy frequencies.
My breakdown was my breakaway for my breakthrough
Birth of an eco-Master- the eco-ShiFT
The Infinite Healing Light
Web Development
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